Are you curious to know what the transit field of 2022 holds for you? Each year since 2012, Leela and Dharmen Swann-Herbert have provided an overview of the upcoming year’s collective themes with the Rave New Year Forecast.
The Forecast is based on the configuration of the planetary transit field at the time of the Rave New Year, on January 22, and offers a thorough review of transit mechanics as they play out globally. Leela and Dharmen share their insights and perspectives as they shed light on global events, both current and unfolding, seen reflected in transit dynamics. This Forecast explores:
This Forecast shows each of us how we can follow the themes that are manifesting for 2022 through the transit field, and how we can best align with the themes that are relevant to us. This year’s conditioning theme will focus on the rising limitations in our world and challenge us on how to successfully adapt to limitations.
To discover how the transit field can impact your personal experiences in the upcoming year, you may be interested in the following offers:
Leela and Dharmen Swann-Herbert | 90-minute audio lecture + classroom video recording + eBook transcript
When the Sun enters Gate 41 on Saturday, January 22nd, it signals the beginning of the Rave New Year. The Rave New Year Forecast 2022 is based on the configuration of the transit field at that moment, and reveals how you can recognize your personal connections to this year’s Design, how these connections can impact your daily life, and how transit frequencies expose us to mental conditioning themes.
Leela and Dharmen Swann-Herbert | Includes the Rave New Year 2021 Forecast + Live 4-Week Online Workshop + myBodyGraph Human Design Transit Tool
Exploring the Transits for Self-Discovery is a four-week online workshop that will give you an in-depth understanding of how to recognize and understand transits using the myBodyGraph Human Design Transit Tool, so that you can move through life with awareness.
You’ll join Leela and Dharmen in exploring the mechanics of openness in your BodyGraph, and develop personal practice skills for self-discovery in relation to transits in the Rave New Year and beyond. Classes will take place every Saturday from January 29 through February 19 at 19 UTC; students who cannot attend live can download all recordings and participate by submitting questions via email. Additionally, this offer includes The Rave New Year Forecast 2022 and myBodyGraph’s Transit Tool.
Discover how the transit field can impact your Design and personal experiences in the upcoming year, and how to observe the transit field and its impact without getting lost in conditioning forces.
Discover how the transit field can impact your Design and personal experiences in the upcoming year, and how to observe the transit field and its impact without getting lost in conditioning forces. This promotional offer and registration for the workshop are available for a limited time.
“It is essential to recognize that this is a profoundly individual year. It's not about the failures of the world; it is about our awareness of our experience.”
Dharmen & Leela | The Rave New Year Forecast 2022
With over 30 years of combined experience, Dharmen and Leela explore the year ahead and provide us with a practical and methodical tool to assess and navigate the upcoming changes. In 2007, Ra Uru Hu chose Dharmen and Leela to continue the work he had begun with The Daily Forecast for the Jovian Radio. In 2012, they began publishing the Rave New Year Forecast with us at Jovian.
Learn how these transits help us be aware of specific conditioning influences
Learn how the 2022 transit mechanics play out in your individual design
Discover how to effectively track daily planetary movements and transit frequencies with myBodyGraph's Transit Tool*
See how planetary transit themes for the year will be reflected in the world around you without getting lost in them
Become more skilled at understanding transits and practice transit-watching
* Included with purchase of the Transit Workshop Package