While this offer has come to an end, the featured lecture can be found here.
“If you look at whether it's a Projector, Generator, or Manifestor, if you look at them as split definition, you're going to see the things that are really going to disturb them. The angry split definition Manifestor because a relationship doesn't work. It doesn't matter about anything else. Their whole life can be a bloody mess, but it’s that relationship that doesn't work that seems to be a thorn in them. It just makes them angry. The frustrated Generator, frustrated in its relationships, frustrated with that other person, frustrated with the process. The bitter Projector, the split, so bitter that the other cannot bring to the relationship what's necessary and the Projector can see it, recognize it and know it's not there. These are people who are really uncomfortable, because when you're looking at not-self themes and you're looking at the split definition, the not-self theme is there in every relationship they have. And relationship for them obviously is so important, whereas for everybody else it’s not.”
Ra Uru Hu | Split Definitions and Relationships